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I Must Be Old Because

The Yankees did not send Didi Gregorius a qualifying offer. Apparently, Brian Cashman is willing to have DJ LeMahieu at 2nd base, and his golden boy Gleyber Torres at shortstop, and is willing, for the 2nd time (Starlin Castro), to sacrifice an All-Star player to Torres.

In the last 5 seasons, no one has enjoyed being a Yankee more than Sir Didi. He probably wants to stay. And Cashman is willing to let him go.

Meanwhile, it's looking more and more likely that Stephen Strasburg will re-sign with the Washington Nationals, and Gerrit Cole will sign with the Los Angeles Angels.

Today, there's a Twitter hashtag game: #IMustBeOld Because.

I must be old, because I can remember when the New York Yankees valued winning the World Series more than they valued money.

November 7, 1728: James Cook is born in Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, England. The Royal Navy's Captain Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the 1st recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand.

In 3 voyages, Cook sailed thousands of miles across largely uncharted areas of the globe. He mapped lands from New Zealand to Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, in greater detail and on a scale not previously achieved. As he progressed on his voyages of discovery he surveyed and named features, and recorded islands and coastlines on European maps for the first time. He displayed a combination of seamanship, superior surveying and cartographic skills, physical courage and an ability to lead men in adverse conditions.

Cook was attacked and killed in a confrontation with Hawaiians during his 3rd exploratory voyage in the Pacific on February 14, 1779. He left a legacy of scientific and geographical knowledge which was to influence his successors well into the 20th century, and numerous memorials worldwide have been dedicated to him. 

NASA named a space shuttle after his flagship, Endeavour, even keeping the chiefly British spelling. Also, his name has been parodied: The villain of Peter Pan was named Captain Hook, and the pirate character in the McDonald's commercials was Captain Crook.

However, the natives of Oceania -- including the Aborigines of Australia and the Maori of New Zealand -- think of Cook in much the same way that Native Americans think of Andrew Jackson, as the beginning of their colonization and their oppression, as a villain rather than as a hero.

What does he have to do with sports? Well, if he hadn't been the 1st European to discover Hawaii, the NFL's Pro Bowl wouldn't be played there. And his visits to Australia and New Zealand made those countries possible, as well as their traditions of cricket and rugby. And they've also taken to baseball in the last 25 years.


November 7, 1811: The Battle of Tippecanoe is fought in northwestern Indiana, about 68 miles northwest of Indianapolis, 122 miles southeast of Chicago, and 7 miles northeast of the Purdue University campus in West Lafayette.

General William Henry Harrison led U.S. Army troops to a decisive victory over Native Americans of Tecumseh's Confederacy. Tecumseh was away, trying to gain allies from other tribes, and his brother, Tenskwatawa, was in command. Known as The Prophet, he was recognized as a spiritual leader, but he was a lousy tactician. He ordered an attack on Harrison's men, and this was a huge mistake.

Two years later, as Tecumseh's Confederacy joined the British cause in the War of 1812, Tecumseh's and Harrison's troops met in battle again, at the Battle of the Thames near present-day Chatham, Ontario, and Tecumseh was killed. Tenskwatawa lived on until 1836, and Harrison was elected President in 1840, under the nickname "Old Tippecanoe" or "Tip" for short.

The Battle of Tippecanoe wasn't nearly as important as the Battle of the Thames, which eliminated Tecumseh as a threat. But because of the 1840 Presidential campaign's rhyming slogan of Harrison and John Tyler -- "Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too" -- it is more remembered. It did, however, make it easier to settle what became the Midwest, including Chicago, thus making that city and its teams possible.

November 7, 1837: Elijah P. Lovejoy is assassinated. He was not a politician, but a newspaper publisher and a Presbyterian minister. He had founded a newspaper, the St. Louis Observer, that printed anti-slavery stories and editorials. This angered people in the city, and they destroyed his printing press. He got a new one, and they destroyed that one, too. He got another new one, and they destroyed that one, too.

He got the message: He wasn't welcome in St. Louis, and, in 1836, crossed the Mississippi River from the slave State of Missouri to the free State of Illinois, to nearby Alton, starting a new abolitionist newspaper, the Alton Observer.

Gun-wielding advocates of slavery caught up with him, and attacked the warehouse where he had his 4th printing press. He and his supporters thought they were ready, with their own guns, and a shootout commenced. Lovejoy was shot, and both he and his printing press were thrown into the river.

He was just short of his 35th birthday, and became the 1st white martyr in the cause against slavery. A 110-foot monument crowns his gravesite in Alton.

Hearing of his murder, John Brown dedicated his life to the abolition of slavery, but his cause would also end with gunfire. Not his life, though: That was by hanging, through due process, if not justice.

November 7, 1848: Zachary Taylor is elected the 12th President of the United States. The leading General of the recently-concluded Mexican-American War, nicknamed Old Rough and Ready by the men who served under him and revered him, had never previously run for office, and later admitted that he'd never voted in his life, not even for himself.

However, as the nominee of the Whig Party, he beat the Democratic nominee, Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan, and former President Martin Van Buren, who was running to regain the office as the nominee of the Free Soil Party, opposed to slavery.

Because of the 3-way race, Taylor was a plurality President, getting 47 percent of the popular vote, to Cass' 42 and Van Buren's 10. And Taylor and Cass split the States between them, 15 apiece. But Taylor got a majority of the Electoral Vote, 163 to 127, while Van Buren took no States and got no EVs.

Taylor was inaugurated on March 5, 1849 -- he refused to take office on the traditional day, March 4, because it was a Sunday, and so, in a way, for 24 hours, the nation was without a President -- and died on July 9, 1850, from food poisoning.

(It was accidental. In 1991, in response to historians' suggestions that he was poisoned on purpose, and thus assassinated, his body was exhumed from the veterans' cemetery that bears his name in Louisville, Kentucky, and tested. No traces of artificial poison were found.)

Vice President Millard Fillmore became the 13th President. No Whig was ever again elected, as the party was broken over the slavery issue. Therefore, the Whigs have the odd status as having as many Presidents rise to the office without election as with it: 2. (John Tyler had become President when William Henry Harrison died in 1841.) Here's the count:

Republican Party, 20: Abraham Lincoln (formerly a Whig), Andrew Johnson (formerly a Democrat), Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert C. Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump.

Democratic Party, 17: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, James K. Polk, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Grover Cleveland (his nonconsecutive terms sometimes get him counted twice, which would make 18 "Democratic Presidents"), Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Whig Party, 4: William Henry Harrison, John Tyler (formerly a Democrat), Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore.

Federalist Party, 1: John Adams.

National Republican Party, 1: John Quincy Adams (formerly a Federalist, later a Whig).

No party, 1: George Washington (sometimes incorrectly called a Federalist).

Total years in office: Democrats, 112; Republicans, 95; Whigs, 8; No party, 8; Federalists, 4; National Republicans, 4.

November 7, 1851: Christian Friedrich Wilhelm von der Ahe is born in Hille, Prussia -- now in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. He immigrated to St. Louis, then with a large German community, and bought a saloon near Sportsman's Park, the baseball park in town.

He bought the team that played there, the St. Louis Browns of the American Association, in 1882, proclaiming, in his accent, "I am der boss president of der Prowns!" There's some dispute as to whether his saloon, or Michael T. "Nuf Ced" McGreevy's Third Base Saloon across from Boston's South End Grounds was the first "sports bar," but von der Ahe did something Nuf Ced didn't: Built a championship team, as the Browns won 4 straight AA Pennants from 1885 to 1888.

In 1892, the AA folded, and he was able to move the Browns into the National League. But a dispute with his 1st baseman and manager, Charlie Comiskey -- later the infamous owner of the Chicago White Sox -- led him to sell the star, and the Browns' glory days were over, as they wouldn't win an NL Pennant until 1926.

His glory days were over, too: By 1898, he was bankrupt, and had to sell the team. In 1908, the team, now called the Cardinals, and the new Browns, in the American League, played a benefit game for him. He died of cirrhosis in 1913.

Chris von der Ahe was baseball's 1st celebrity team owner. He was one of the most famous men in America in the 1880s and '90s. But he has been virtually forgotten, and has never been elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

November 7, 1857: Edward Sylvester Nolan is born in Trenton, Ontario, Canada, and grows up in Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey. A journeyman pitcher from 1878 to 1885, his career record was 23-52, in spite of being, for his time, unusually fast with a variety of curveballs.

He became known as "The Only Nolan," because he reminded people of a popular minstrel performer of the era, Francis Leon, who was so often copied that he began calling himself "The Only Leon." Ed Nolan became a policeman in Paterson, and lived until 1913.

November 7, 1868: Royal Samuel Copeland is born in the Detroit suburb of Dexter, Michigan. Very few politicians have been elected to public office as both a Republican and a Democrat. Even fewer have been elected to public office in 2 different States. Royal Copeland achieved both of these distinctions.

A doctor and a professor at the University of Michigan's medical school in Ann Arbor, he was elected that town's Mayor in 1901, and to its Board of Education and its Board of Park Commissioners, all as a Republican. He moved to New York to take an official's position at a hospital, served on the City Board of Health, and helped to maintain calm in the City during the 1918-19 Spanish Flu epidemic.

In 1922, he ran for the U.S. Senate, as a Democrat, with Franklin D. Roosevelt as his campaign chairman. He won, and was re-elected in 1928 and 1934. In spite of this, when FDR became President, Copeland's innate conservatism kicked back in, and he was opposed to the New Deal. He ran for Mayor against Fiorello LaGuardia in 1937, and lost, and died in office as U.S. Senator the next year.

November 7, 1876: Samuel Jones Tilden, former Governor of New York, wins the popular vote and the Electoral Vote in the Presidential election, defeating the Governor of Ohio, Rutherford B. Hayes. Tilden got 51 percent of the popular vote, to Hayes' 48; and 204 Electoral Votes, to Hayes' 165.

What's that? You've never heard of Tilden? Unless you're a history buff, or are from Brooklyn where there's a high school named for him, that's not surprising. He didn't get to become President, because the Republicans stole the Electoral Votes of Louisiana (8), South Carolina (7) and Florida (4), plus 1 in Oregon.

So the final count, not made official until the Electoral Commission made its ruling on a pure party-line vote of 8-7 on March 2, 1877 -- 2 days before the Inauguration -- was Hayes 185, Tilden 184.

Hayes, nicknamed "His Fraudulency" and "Old 8 to 7," announced he would serve only 1 term, and kept his promise. Tilden was convinced he was robbed, but did not run again in 1880 or 1884 due to ill health, and died in 1886.

But was he robbed? The Democrats, then the nation's conservative party, may have engaged in serious intimidation of newly-enfranchised black voters in Southern States. It's possible they tried every bit as hard to steal those States on Election Day as the Republicans did afterward. We may never know who truly deserved to win. Regardless, there is absolutely no known evidence that either Hayes or Tilden participated in any election fraud on their own behalfs. (Behalves?)

Also on this day, Culbert Levy Olson is born in Fillmore, Utah. Like Royal Copeland, he was elected to office in 2 different States, but, in his case, was always a Democrat. He has another slight connection to Copeland, having gone to the University of Michigan for its law school.

He was elected to the State Senate in Utah in 1916, and that of California in 1934, having established a practice devoted to liberal causes like labor law in each State. In 1938, he was elected Governor of California. But he feuded with the conservative Democrats that controlled the State's Assembly, and they offered him no help when he ran for re-election in 1942, and lived another 20 years.

But it might be a good thing that he lost in 1942. It was the State's Attorney General that defeated him. He was re-elected in 1946 and 1950. In 1948, the Republicans nominated him for Vice President with Thomas Dewey. In 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and he became the greatest jurist of the 20th Century. His name was Earl Warren.

November 7, 1885: Samuel Russell Crawford is born in Cardinal, Ontario, outside Ottawa. A left wing, "Rusty" Crawford won the Stanley Cup with the 1913 Quebec Bulldogs and the 1st NHL Champions, the 1918 Toronto Arenas (forerunners of the Maple Leafs). He was still playing pro hockey at age 44, was elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1963, and lived until 1971.


November 7, 1904: Little Johnny Jones opens at the Liberty Theatre at 236 West 42nd Street in New York. It is the 1st play staged there. George M. Cohan is the writer, director and star, playing a jockey who goes to London to race in the English Derby, loses, is accused of throwing the race, and must clear his name.

The show contains 2 of Cohan's legendary songs: "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and "Give My Regards to Broadway." The former not only becomes the title of the 1942 film biography of Cohan, starring James Cagney, but also helps to popularize "Yankees" as an alternative name for the New York Highlanders of baseball's American League.

Ironically, because New York Giants manager John McGraw cultivated Broadway performers as friends, Cohan became a Giants fan. Cagney, however, was a Yankee Fan, and even threw out the ceremonial first ball at a 1981 World Series game.

The Liberty Theatre still stands, but has been converted into retail space, including a Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum and a Famous Dave's restaurant.

Also on this day, James Stein is born outside Glasgow in Coatbridge, Scotland. A left winger, Jimmy Stein (like the great Glasgow Celtic manager Jock Stein, that's pronounced "Steen," not "Stine") helped Everton-based Liverpool win the Football League in 1932, and scored the opening goal in Everton's victory in the 1933 FA Cup Final.

Oddly, no source I can find has any record of his death. All I can say for sure is that he last played in 1940, at age 35, for New Brighton, a now-defunct Merseyside team. He would be 115 years old today, not impossible, but it is incredibly unlikely that someone who had a large role in a championship team 86 years ago would be still alive without multiple media sources reporting on it.

November 7, 1908: Allegedly, this was the day that American outlaws Robert Leroy Parker and Harry Alonzo Longabaugh -- a.k.a. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, respectively -- were killed in a shootout with the Bolivian Army at San Vicente.

Attempts to determine whether this was true have thus far failed. It has been alleged, including by Cassidy's sister, that Butch left Bolivia and was still alive as late as 1937. (He would have been 72.) A suggestion that Sundance was still alive as late as 1936 has been proven by DNA testing to be false, but, so far, that's as close as DNA testing has come to proving anything. For all we know, the old Utah and Wyoming bank and train robbers of the 1890s may well have had a good laugh about it all for a long time thereafter.

November 7, 1913: Albert Camus is born in Mondovi, French Algeria -- now Dréan, Algeria. Like many Europeans, including Frenchmen, the author of The Stranger was a soccer fanatic. He was a goalkeeper for Algiers club Racing Universitaire d'Alger (RUA, now defunct), but tuberculosis ended his athletic career.

He wrote, "What I know most surely about morality and the duty of man, I owe to sport." In his novel The Plague, he included a professional soccer player as a character, and discusses the sport in the dialogue. 

In 1957, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. At 44, he was, and remains, its 2nd-youngest recipient. (Rudyard Kipling was 42.) On January 4, 1960, he was killed in a car crash in Sens, France. He was only 46, and had already written about the wars of independence from France by Vietnam and his native Algeria. He should have lived long enough to see the revolution of 1968 (he would have been 54), and perhaps even the dawn of the European Union (he would have been 85 when the Euro currency went into effect).

November 7, 1916: America elects a President. The Democratic nominee is the incumbent, President Woodrow Wilson, campaigning against American entry into World War I. His slogan was, "He kept us out of war." The Republican nominee is Charles Evans Hughes, who had been Governor of New York and a Justice of the Supreme Court, who believes America should enter the war.

When the night is over, Hughes appears to be the winner. But, as with President Samuel J. Tilden, there's a reason most of you have never heard of President Charles E. Hughes: He, too, went to bed as the President-elect, and woke up as not that.

The problem turns out to be the communication systems of the time, with the results in rural areas not getting to the State capitals quickly, and thus not being sent on to the national capital quickly. For example, New Hampshire: Wilson ended up winning it by 56 votes. Not 56,000, not 5,600, but fifty-six. That's the smallest margin ever recorded in a State in a Presidential vote.

The key State is California, then having 13 Electoral Votes (about 1/4 of what it has now). At first, Hughes is winning it, and he goes to bed believing he has won it. Wilson, too, had gone to bed, thinking he had lost. The story, perhaps apocryphal, tells of a reporter learning that Wilson has taken the lead in California, and thus won the election, and calling Hughes' home. His son, or his butler, or someone else (depending on who's telling the story), tells the reporter, "The President-elect is asleep." The reporter says, "When he wakes up, tell him he's not the President-elect anymore."

With 266 Electoral Votes then needed for victory, Wilson wins 277-254. If Hughes had won California, he would have won 267-264. Wilson won 49.2 percent of the popular vote, Hughes 46.1 percent. For both of his terms, Wilson would be a plurality President -- which had already happened to Grover Cleveland, and would happen to Bill Clinton.

By the time he is Inaugurated again on March 5, 1917 (the usual date until 1933, March 4, was a Sunday that year), it is clear that Wilson will have to take America into the war. The war will make him beloved around the world. The peace process will make him despised at home.

A stroke in October 1919 paralyzed him, and when he left office in March 1921, he was, physically and emotionally, a broken man. He died in 1924. Hughes was appointed Secretary of State by Wilson's successor, Warren Harding, in 1921, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by Herbert Hoover in 1930. He served until retiring in 1941, and lived until 1948.

In the same election, Jeannette Rankin becomes the 1st woman elected to Congress. At the time, her home State of Montana was 1 of 10 States which then had full voting rights for women – all of them West of the Missouri River.

November 7, 1917: The Winter Palace in Petrograd is stormed by Bolshevik troops, and the Bolshevik Revolution is complete. It is also known as the October Revolution, since Russia was still using the Julian Calendar, and they thought it was October 25. The new national leader, Vladimir Lenin, switches the vast country to the Gregorian Calendar.

Lenin also moved the capital to Moscow, and after his death in 1924, Petrograd was renamed Leningrad. After the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, that city's name was restored to what it was before the failed Russian Revolution of 1905: St. Petersburg. As was said at the time, "Better to name it for a saint than for a monster."

We may never know how sports in Russia would have developed had either the Czars or the provisional government under Alexander Kerensky that replaced them in the February Revolution earlier in 1917 lasted. Some dictators understand how sports can be used to spread propaganda for their government at home and for their country abroad. The fascist dictators of the 1930s did: Adolf Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Francisco Franco of Spain.

Soviet dictators Lenin and Josef Stalin did not. Lenin was too busy trying to keep his country from flying apart to care. Stalin is only known to have attended 1 sporting event in his life, a soccer demonstration on Moscow's Red Square itself.

But Nikita Khrushchev certainly used the Olympics to spread Red propaganda, and Leonid Brezhnev used the 1980 Olympics in Moscow to do so. Vladimir Putin is a former judo champion, although he's not nearly as good at hockey as he's been allowed to think he is -- much like Fidel Castro and his pitching. Putin used the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi to spread the Russian image, and you can be damn sure he'll use the 2018 World Cup to do so.

One thing is for sure: If the Bolsheviks had failed, the 1972 Summer Olympic basketball tournament, the 1972 "Summit Series" between Canada and the Soviets, and the 1980 Winter Olympic hockey tournament, while still exciting, would have had far less controversy. Also, movies such as WarGames, Red Dawn and Rocky IV might still have been made, but would have had a very different enemy.

Also on this day, the Tulsa Outrage occurs. Judge T.D. Evans convicts 12 members of the Industrial Workers of the World of the crime of not owning a war bond. This was during World War I. The IWW were opposed to WWI, and not because of the reverse of their initials. Evans also convicts 5 men who were witnesses for the defense, even though they were not IWW members.

These men are delivered into the custody of not the police, or the Oklahoma penal system, but a group calling itself the Knights of Liberty. They are driven to the outskirts of town, bound to a tree, whipped, and tarred and feathered.

This was done under the leadership of W. Tate Brady, one of the city's founders, and a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Four years later, he became one of the men responsible for the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. Four years after that, Brady shot and killed himself. It wasn't due to a guilty conscience: Rather, he was despondent over the recent death of his son John in a car crash.

November 7, 1918: Frederick Michael Cusick is born in the Brighton section of Boston. He played hockey at Boston University, but became known as a broadcaster instead. In 1957, he became the 1st man to announce a hockey game on U.S. television, for CBS. In 1960, he broadcast the 1st American Football League game, as he was the lead announcer for the Boston Patriots.

But he's best known as the voice of the Boston Bruins from 1963 to 1997. While Foster Hewitt of the Toronto Maple Leafs made, "He shoots, he scores!" a catchphrase, Cusick would simply yell, "Score!" In 1984, when the Foster Hewitt Award was introduced by the Hockey Hall of Fame, tantamount to election for broadcasters, Fred Cusick was one of the charter honorees. He died in 2009, at age 90.

Also on this day, William Franklin Graham Jr. is born in Charlotte, North Carolina. From 1947 until illness forced him to retire in 2005, he was America's leading Protestant evangelist. His "Billy Graham Crusades" packed auditoriums, arenas and stadiums all over the world, including Yankee Stadium and Madison Square Garden. Despite being a white man from a Southern State, he supported integration, and preached with Martin Luther King on a few occasions.

He was an unofficial spiritual adviser to Presidents from Harry Truman to Barack Obama, becoming particularly close with both Democrat Lyndon Johnson and Republican Richard Nixon. He was a guest of LBJ's on his last night in the White House in 1969, and of Nixon's the next night, his first night in the White House.

Billy Graham died in 2018, not quite making it to 100. Unfortunately, his son, Franklin (William Franklin Graham III), has taken a very harsh turn to the right, taking some stances in favor of Donald Trump that Jesus would never recognize as Christian.


November 7, 1920: Edward S. Steitz (I can't find any reference as to what the S stands for) is born in Brooklyn, and grows up in Beacon, in Dutchess County in the Hudson Valley. He served as head basketball coach and athletic director at Springfield College in Massachusetts, the birthplace of basketball, and the location of the sport's Hall of Fame.

He also worked with the NCAA Men's Basketball Rules Committee, and led them to institute the 45-second shot clock in 1986 and the 3-point field goal the next year. He was elected to the Hall of Fame, and lived until 1990.

November 7, 1922: Sam Thompson dies of a heart attack at age 62, while working as an election inspector in Detroit. The right fielder had won the National League batting and RBI titles in 1887, helping the Detroit Wolverines win the Pennant. When they went bankrupt just a year later, he starred for the Philadelphia Phillies. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1974, over half a century after his death.

November 7, 1923: Billy Miske, "the St. Paul Thunderbolt," gets into the ring against Bill Brennan at the St. Paul Auditorium in Minnesota. Three years earlier, he had been good enough to get a shot at the Heavyweight Championship of the World, but Jack Dempsey knocked him out in the 3rd round. (He had previously faced Dempsey before he was champion, and lasted until the 6th round.)

But now, Miske was dying. He had Bright's disease, a kidney disorder that can be treated today, but couldn't be then. It was a death sentence. It had killed President Chester Arthur, the first wives of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, Canadian independence leader George-Étienne Cartier, department store pioneer R.H. Macy, and poet Emily Dickinson. After Miske, it would kill Baseball Hall-of-Famer Ross Youngs, Broadway producer and former Boston Red Sox owner Harry Frazee, and science fiction writer H.P. Lovecraft.

In spite of his precarious condition, Miske knocked Brennan out in the 4th round. The money he made from this fight allowed him to buy his kids one last Christmas. He died on January 1, 1924, at age 29, with a record of 72-15 with 14 draws. In 2010, he was elected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

November 7, 1927: Hiroshi Yamauchi is born in Kyoto, Japan. Too young to fight in World War II, he worked in a military factory. In 1947, he succeeded his ill grandfather as head of a company that produced playing cards and other games: Nintendo.

Still in charge in the 1970s, he embraced the video game revolution, developing Donkey Kong in 1981, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1983. In 1991, he approved Nintendo's purchase of the Seattle Mariners, making him the 1st Japanese person to own an MLB team. He died in 2013, having never attended a game played by the team he owned for 22 years. Nintendo sold out in 2016, and now owns just 10 percent of the team.


November 7, 1932: Richard Lee Stuart is born in San Francisco, and grows up in nearby Redwood City, California. In 1956, playing for the Lincoln Chiefs, a Nebraska-based Class A farm team of the Pittsburgh Pirates, 23-year-old Dick Stuart hit 66 home runs.

This was the absolute worst thing that could have happened to him, as people expected him to be one of the great sluggers of his generation. He even signed autographs, "Dick Stuart 66."

He debuted with the Pirates in 1958, and he certainly could hit the ball over the fence, far and frequently. On June 5, 1959, he became the 1st player to hit a home run over the center field fence at Forbes Field, over 457 feet away. That earned him a place on the 1960 TV show Home Run Derby. That year, he helped the Pirates win the World Series, and was on deck when Bill Mazeroski hit the winning home run.

The problem was, he couldn't play any position. His manager at Lincoln, Bobby Bragan, said, "Dick Stuart is the worst outfielder I ever saw in my life." In those pre-designated hitter days, they put him at 1st base, where they figured he could do the least damage. But he was horrible, worse than Marv Throneberry of the Mets.

His fielding was so bad! How bad was it? One time, Art McKennan, the Pirates' long-time public address announcer, said, "Anyone who interferes with the ball in play will be ejected from the ballpark," and manager Danny Murtaugh was overheard saying, "I hope Stuart doesn't think he means him."

They called him The Ancient Mariner -- not because he played for the Seattle Mariners (he was long retired by the time they debuted), but because the opening line in Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem is, "It is an ancient mariner, and he stoppeth one of three." Another literary allusion, to Alexandre Dumas' The Man in the Iron Mask, got him nicknamed The Man in the Iron Glove.

He also struck out more often than Mickey Mantle, which caught people's attention. He was also slow: Twice, he grounded into more than 20 double plays in a season.

In 1963, despite his having hit 117 home runs for them in less than 5 full seasons while playing in a pitcher's park, and making the All-Star Team in 1961, the Pirates had had enough. They traded him to the Boston Red Sox, who spent the last 2/3rds of the 20th Century looking for a great righthanded slugger who could send enough balls over the Green Monster in Fenway Park's left field to lead them to the Pennant.

Stuart became the latest in that long line, and in 2 seasons with them, he hit 75 home runs and had 232 RBIs, including leading the American League in 1963, when he set career highs with 42 homers and 118 RBIs.

But his fielding actually got worse. In 1963, he made 29 errors, still a record for a major league 1st baseman. In 1964, he made 24. He killed so many games for the Sox, he was nicknamed the Boston Strangler. Two movies released in 1964 would give him more nicknames: Dr. Strangelove led to him being called Dr. Strangeglove, and Goldfinger would brand him Stonefingers.

Pitcher Dick Radatz said his license plate should read, "E-3." One time, the swirling Fenway wind sent a hot-dog wrapper toward the field, and he made a diving catch of it, and got the biggest ovation of his Boston tenure.

For 1965, the Sox traded him to the Philadelphia Phillies. In 1966, the Phils traded him to the Mets. In June, the Mets released him. In July, the Los Angeles Dodgers picked him up, and he did help them win the Pennant, and he played in another World Series. The Dodgers released him, he played the 1967 and 1968 seasons in Japan, he was signed by the California Angels in 1969, and released. At 37, he was done.

He hit just 228 home runs in the major leagues. He wasn't a bad guy -- though managers like Murtaugh and the Red Sox' Johnny Pesky might have disagreed -- he was just a one-dimensional player. But sometimes, that one dimension was amazing.

He moved to Stamford, Connecticut, making him a neighbor of Jackie Robinson, and made quite a bit of money (by the standards of retired ballplayers in the 1970s) in the financial sector. He died of cancer on December 15, 2002, in his hometown of Redwood City, at age 70.

November 7, 1936: Tom Busby (I can find no record of his full name) is born in Toronto. The actor is best known for playing Milo Vladek, one of The Dirty Dozen. He died in 2003.

November 7, 1938: Jerry Dean Gibbs is born in Grenada, Mississippi. Jake Gibbs was the 1st great quarterback at the University of Mississippi, before either Archie Manning or his son Eli. He led them to a 10-0-1 record in 1960, with only a tie against Louisiana State spoiling their record. They won the 1961 Sugar Bowl. He is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame.

But he never played a down in the NFL, probably because he thought he could make more money playing baseball. He was a Yankee from 1962 to 1971, a backup catcher to Yogi Berra and Elston Howard on the 1962 World Champions, of which he is 1 of 11 surviving players. He was the starter in the 1967, '68 and '69 seasons, but lost his job to Thurman Munson.

He returned to Ole Miss, coached their baseball team to the 1972 Southeastern Conference Championship and into the College World Series, and was named Coach of the Year, winning that award again in 1977. He later coached in the Yankees' system.

Also on this day, James Lee Kaat is born in Zeeland, Michigan. Jim Kaat debuted for the Washington Senators in 1959, and was the last active player who had played for the original version of that franchise. The lefthanded pitcher moved with them, and as the Minnesota Twins he helped them win the 1965 American League Pennant and the 1969 and '70 AL Western Division titles. He won 25 games in 1966, and probably would have been named the AL's Cy Young Award winner, except that this was the last season in which it was given only to the most valuable pitcher in both Leagues.

He won National League Eastern Division titles with the Philadelphia Phillies in 1976, '77 and '78, and the AL East with the Yankees in 1980. Finally, in 1982, his 24th season in the majors, a record wait, he won the World Series, with the 1982 St. Louis Cardinals.

He closed his career with the Cards in 1983, making him the last player who had played in the 1950s. He retired with a record of 283-237, 3 All-Star berths, and 16 Gold Gloves. (Admittedly, the Gold Glove is not a big deal for a pitcher, but 16!) And yet, he is not in the Hall of Fame. The only eligible-but-not-in pitcher in the post-1920 Lively Ball Era with more wins is his 1979-80 Yankee teammate, Tommy John.

Like TJ, "Kitty" became a broadcaster, for the Yankees, the Twins and CBS, and was one of the most astute in the business, winning 7 Emmy Awards. Maybe he can get into the Hall of Fame that way.


November 7, 1940: The Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses. Opening just 4 months earlier outside Tacoma, Washington, the wind gusts that came through the Narrows made the road wobble in midair, giving it the nickname Galloping Gertie. Someone heard that it was particularly wobbly, and got a home movie camera, and took spectacular color footage of the event.

A new Tacoma Narrows Bridge opened in 1950, and became the new model for suspension bridges standing up to high winds. It was nicknamed Sturdy Gertie, and is still in use. Due to increasing traffic as the Seattle-Tacoma area has developed, a parallel span was added in 2007. As far as I know, this one has no nickname.

November 7, 1942: Tony B. Jackson -- he was born "Tony," not "Anthony," and I can find no record of what the B stood for -- is born in Brooklyn. A forward, he played at Thomas Jefferson High School Brooklyn and St. John's University in Queens, and was drafted by the Knicks, but never played in the NBA.

It wasn't that he wasn't good enough: St. John's retired his Number 24. But he and fellow Brooklyn natives Connie Hawkins, Roger Brown and Doug Moe were all indicted in a point-shaving scandal in 1962. Although none was ever convicted of any crime, all were banned for life by Commissioner Walter Kennedy.

All would make their mark in the ABA, though. Jackson played for the New Jersey Americans in that league's 1st season, 1967-68, making him an original member of the team now known as the Brooklyn Nets. That season, he set the ABA record for free throws in a game with 24, and made the All-Star Game.

He only played 1 more season of pro ball, so it wouldn't have mattered if he had been reinstated. He lived until 2005. Brown helped the Indiana Pacers win 3 ABA titles, but also retired before the leagues merged in 1976. Hawkins was reinstated in 1969, and made 4 NBA All-Star Games. He and Brown went on to be elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. Moe also retired before the leagues merged, went into coaching, and was reinstated as part of the merger agreement, eventually winning 628 games as a head coach over both leagues.

November 7, 1943: Roberta Joan Anderson is born in Fort MacLeod, Alberta. At age 9, in 1952, she survived North America's last big polio outbreak, and, missing a lot of school, she focused on music and art. She settled on music, hit it big in Toronto's folk music scene, got married, and started using a variation on her married name: Joni Mitchell.

They moved to Detroit, and while the city was bubbling with Motown and proto-punk, she kept playing folk-rock. By 1967, she had recorded her 1st album, but her 1st hit as a writer was not a hit record for herself: It was Judy Collins who had the hit version of "Both Sides Now."

And not only did she not have the hit version of the song "Woodstock," she wasn't even there. Crosby, Stills & Nash, who were, had the hit version, whose citation of the phrase, "We were half a million strong," embedded the number 500,000 as the attendance figure in American minds, although it may not have quite been that many. (Rolling Stone magazine, right after the festival, said 450,000.)

By the early 1970s, she was having hits under her own name. She kept writing and performing until a brain aneurysm in 2015. She has recovered enough to appear in public, but hasn't played any concerts since.

November 7, 1944, 75 years ago: President Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected to an unprecedented 4th term, defeating Thomas E. Dewey, who held FDR's former post of Governor of New York. FDR won 432 Electoral Votes to Dewey's 99, and 53 percent of the popular vote to Dewey's 46.

FDR was not well, struggling with heart disease and high blood pressure, brought on by the pressure of fighting, essentially, 2 major wars at once, against the Nazis in Europe and the Japanese Empire in the Pacific. His smoking and drinking didn't help. He was 62 years old, and looked at least 72. The Republicans began a "whispering campaign," saying that the Democratic titan was too old and tired to handle the Presidency, and possibly dying.

To counter this, FDR held a parade down Broadway in Lower Manhattan. In the rain. Not good for his health. The parade went over the Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn, and he held a rally at Ebbets Field. "I've got a confession to make," he said. "I come from the State of New York, and I've practiced law in New York City. But I have never been in Ebbets Field before." It was one of the few times in his career that FDR got booed.

He brought the crowd back by saying, "I've rooted for the Dodgers" -- even though he had, on numerous occasions, been to Yankee Stadium to cheer on the Yankees and the Polo Grounds to cheer on the Giants, and saw them both at the Polo Grounds in Game 2 of the 1936 World Series. "And I hope to come back someday and watch 'em play." That got a huge roar.

FDR would be unable to keep that promise. He had not been to a major league game since before Pearl Harbor, thinking it inappropriate for the President to do so. (There was Presidential precedent: Woodrow Wilson loved baseball, and threw out the first ball at every Opening Day of his first term, but not in 1917 and '18 due to World War I, not in '19 due to his trip to the postwar peace conference, and not in '20 due to his health.) FDR died at the dawn of the next season, of a stroke brought on by working himself to death to save civilization from fascism.

In 2016, there was no "whispering campaign": The Republicans came right out and said that the year's Democratic nominee, also (officially) from the State of New York, Hillary Clinton, was "dying" and "doesn't have the stamina to be President." She did 3 90-minute debates and kicked Donald Trump's ass in each of them, so you tell me.

Also on this day, Joseph Franklin Niekro is born in Martins Ferry, Ohio. He pitched in the major leagues from 1967 to 1988, and won 221 games. He combined with his brother Phil (who was only his teammate on the 1973 and '74 Atlanta Braves and the 1985 Yankees) for 539 wins, a record for a pair of brothers. Both had the knuckleball as their main pitch. In 1976, he hit his only major league home run, off Phil.

Joe led the National League in wins in 1979, and reached the postseason with the 1972 Detroit Tigers, the 1980 and '81 Houston Astros, and the 1987 Minnesota Twins, finally winning a World Series in his 21st season, just before turning 42. He died of a brain aneurysm in 2006. His son Lance Niekro also played in the major leagues.

Also on this day, Luigi Riva is born in Leggiuno, in Lombardy in the Italian Alps. "Gigi" Riva was a forward for his hometown soccer team Legnano when, in 1963, he was sold to Cagliari, on the island of Sardinia. Based on what he had heard of this island backwater, he thought he was going to Africa. (Sicily is closer to the African continent.)

He became the greatest player Cagliari have ever had, nicknamed
Rombo di Tuono (Roar of Thunder). Three times, he was the leading scorer in Serie A (Italy's national league). In 1969, he was voted 2nd in the Ballon d'Or (Golden Ball) for World Player of the Year, behind fellow Italian Gianni Rivera of AC Milan.

In 1970, he led Cagliari to their one and only Serie A title, bringing them enough revenue that they could build a new stadium, and finishing 3rd in the Ballon d'Or voting behind Gerd Muller of Germany and Bobby Moore of England. He also helped Italy win Euro 1968 and reach the Final of the 1970 World Cup.

He later became an executive with Cagliari, which has retired his Number 11, and is now a consultant to the Italian national team.

November 7, 1948: John Albert Martinez is born in Redding, California. Unlike most people with the name, who pronounce it "Mar-TEE-nez," Buck Martinez pronounces it "MAR-tin-ez." He played in the major leagues from 1969 to 1986, reaching the Playoffs as a backup catcher with the Kansas City Royals in 1976 and '77, and the Toronto Blue Jays in 1985.

He later managed the Jays, and the U.S. team at the 1st World Baseball Classic in 2006. He later broadcast for the Baltimore Orioles, and is now in the Jays' booth.


November 7, 1950: Vladislav Bogićević is born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia). A midfielder, he helped hometown club Red Star Belgrade win the Yugoslav First League in 1969, '70, '73 and '77, and the Yugoslav Cup in 1970 and '71 -- meaning they "did the Double" in 1970. He also played for Yugoslavia in the 1974 World Cup.

In 1978, he came to the New York Cosmos. Local fans, not familiar with South Slavic names, called him "Bogie," and he helped the Cosmos win the North American Soccer League title in 1978, 1980 and 1982, leading it in assists in 1981, '82 and '83.

He later coached the New York Centaurs of the of the A-League, became part of the Serbia coaching staff, and founded a soccer school that bears his name in Clifton, Passaic County, New Jersey. He is a member of the U.S. Soccer Hall of Fame, and is a coach with the women's team at Nyack College, an NCAA Division II school in Rockland County, New York.

November 7, 1951: John Felix Tamargo is born in Tampa. The Yankees drafted him in 1969, but he chose to go to college instead. He played in the major leagues as a backup catcher from 1976 to 1980, mostly with the St. Louis Cardinals. He now manages in the Seattle Mariners' organization.

Also on this day, Chris Mortensen (I don't have a full name for him) is born in the Los Angles suburb of Torrance, California. He covered the NFL for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and has been at ESPN in 1991.

November 7, 1952: Valeriy Zuyev is born in Kiev, Ukraine. The centreback was part of the Dynamo Kiev team that dominated Eastern European soccer in the 1970s, winning the Soviet Top League in 1974, '75, '77 and '83; the Soviet Cup in 1974, '78 and '81; and the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup in 1975. He died in 2016, at 63.

November 7, 1959, 60 years ago: Tennessee beats Louisiana State 14-13 at Shields-Watkins Field (now Neyland Stadium) in Knoxville, Tennessee. The game ends LSU's 19-game winning streak, and ends their chance at back-to-back Southeastern Conference and National Championships.

Also on this day, Billy Clyde Gillispie is born in Abeilene, Texas, and grows up in Fort Worth. BCG was head basketball coach at Texas-El Paso, Texas A&M, Kentucky and Texas Tech. Although he won the Western Athletic Conference title at UTEP in 2004, he was a flop at Kentucky, and has battled alcoholism. He is now dry, and recently served as head coach at his alma mater, Ranger Junior College in Fort Worth.


November 7, 1961: Orlando Mercado Rodríguez is born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. A weak-hitting catcher for several teams, he was Terry Steinbach's backup on the 1988 Pennant-winning Oakland Athletics. He is now a catching instructor in the Los Angeles Angels' organization.

November 7, 1962: Frank Ahearn dies in Ottawa at age 76. He owned the Ottawa Senators when they won the Stanley Cup in 1920, 1921, 1923 and 1927. But he had to fold the team as a result of the Great Depression. He also served in Canada's House of Commons from 1930 to 1940. He was elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame shortly before his death.

November 7, 1963: John Charles Bryan Barnes is born in Kingston, Jamaica. His father was an officer in the newly-formed Jamaican Army (independence had been gained the year before John was born), and in 1976, the British Commonwealth called Colonel Ken Barnes to London, where John finished his education and turned professional in soccer, which his father had played at the semi-pro level.

He helped Hertfordshire club Watford rise to 2nd place in the Football League in 1983, and to the FA Cup Final in 1984, where they lost to Merseyside club Everton. He was soon snatched up by the bigger Merseyside club, Liverpool FC. The midfielder helped them win the League in 1988 and 1990, the FA Cup in 1989 and 1992, and the League Cup in 1995. He also played for England in the 1986 and 1990 World Cups, and later managed the Jamaica national team to the 2008 Caribbean Cup.

He is famous for 2 things. At a point when Liverpool were embracing the rise of black players in the British Isles, Everton were not, and their fans were proud of the club's all-white status. (That is no longer the case: Everton would have been relegated long ago if not for many fine black players, including New Jersey native goalkeeper Tim Howard.)

On February 21, 1988, in an FA Cup 5th Round match that was also a Merseyside Derby, at Everton's Goodison Park, an Everton fan threw a banana onto the field, an overt suggestion that black people are apes. Noble in the face of darkness, Barnes backheeled it off the pitch, and a picture of it became one of the iconic photos of English football. (Liverpool won the game, 1-0, and advanced to the Final, losing to Wimbledon in one of the all-time FA Cup shocks.)

That's the sublime. The ridiculous is his music career, including the songs that Liverpool recorded as the FA Cup Final songs for 1988, "Anfield Rap (Red Machine In Full Effect)"; and 1996, "Pass & Move (It's the Liverpool Groove)." To be fair, he was hardly the only offender, and the other players in the videos, all white, looked even more ridiculous.

Also on this day, Randy Fichtner is born in Cleveland, where his father Ross Fichtner is playing for the Cleveland Browns. He grows up in Meadville, Pennsylvania, outside Erie, and, like his father, plays football at Purdue University.

Unlike his father, he wasn't good enough to play in the NFL, so he went into coaching, serving on the staffs at Michigan, Southern California, Nevada-Las Vegas, Memphis, Purdue and Arkansas State. Since 2007, he has been on Mike Tomlin's staff with the Pittsburgh Steelers, including winning Super Bowl XLIII. He is now the team's offensive coordinator.

Also on this day, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World premieres, produced and directed by Stanley Kramer. It was a "cast of thousands" movie, and a caper film, with everyone in pursuit of $350,000 buried by a dying crook played by Jimmy Durante. (That's about $2.9 million in today's money.)

Aside from Durante, the main cast includes Spencer Tracy, Edie Adams, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, Buddy Hackett, Ethel Merman, Dorothy Provine, Mickey Rooney, Dick Shawn, Phil Silvers, Terry-Thomas and Jonathan Winters. (Apparently, Tracy wanted top billing rather than alphabetical order, despite some other rather large egos involved.)

In supporting roles: Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, Jim Backus, William Demarest and Peter Falk. In cameos: Rochester's longtime "boss" Jack Benny, Joe E. Brown, Selma Diamond, Norman Fell, Stan Freberg, Leo Gorcey of the Bowery Boys, Sterling Holloway, Edward Everett Horton, Buster Keaton, Don Knotts, Jerry Lewis, ZaSu Pitts, Madlyn Rhue, Arnold Stang, future "Maytag Repairman" Jesse White, and all of the last lineup of the Three Stooges: Moe Howard, Larry Fine, and Curly Joe DeRita.

Only 3 actors from the film are still alive: Carl Reiner, Nicholas Georgiade and Barrie Chase.

November 7, 1964: Leeds United defeat Everton 1-0 at Goodison Park in Liverpool. It becomes known as the Battle of Goodison. The game was so rough (How rough was it?), it was the 1st time in the history of England's Football League that a referee sent all the players off for a cooling-down period.

The referee, Ken Stokes, sent Everton's Sandy Brown off for punching Leeds' Johnny Giles. In spite of an already-established reputation for rough play by the Yorkshire outfit, which would earn them the nickname "Dirty Leeds," Brown was the only player punished by the Football Association: A 2-week suspension.

The game got rougher, and, in the 40th minute, Stokes has seen enough: Unwilling to wait for halftime, he sent everyone off for 10 minutes. For the end, the Everton fans could be seen spitting on the Leeds players, and they needed a police escort out of the stadium.

Also on this day, Arsenal sell forward Geoff Strong to Liverpool for £40,000, considered a ludicrous transfer in hindsight. He had scored 69 goals in 125 league games for Arsenal, and went on to become a legend at Liverpool where he was remembered with much affection upon his death in 2013.

Also on this day, East Brunswick High School beats South River High School in football for the 1st time. In their 1st 3 seasons of varsity football, EBHS, established in 1958 so the growing school-age population of E.B. would no longer have to attend South River, lost to them. In this 4th season, led by sophomore quarterback and future ABA and NBA player Dave Wohl, they get their 1st win against their forebears, 14-7.

Eventually, enrollment changes meant that some schools were now too small to compete in the Middlesex County Athletic Conference, and the Bicentennial Athletic Conference (so named because it was founded in 1976) was founded. South River, reduced to a student body of around 500 by this point, was put in the BAC. East Brunswick, with a student body of over 2,000, remained in the MCAC. Despite the reconsolidation (albeit with divisions based on enrollment level) into the Greater Middlesex Conference in 1985, East Brunswick and South River have not played each other in football since 1975. (In other sports, due to Middlesex County Tournament pairings, yes; in football, no.) Each school has won 7 times, with a tie.

November 7, 1966: Raymond "Rube" Bressler dies in Cincinnati, at age 72. He had recently been interviewed by Lawrence S. Ritter for The Glory of Their Times, his book about baseball players of the early 20th Century.

Bressler had started as a pitcher, but had converted to an outfielder. He had a 26-32 career record, and a .301 lifetime batting average. He won the Pennant with the 1914 Philadelphia Athletics and the World Series with the 1919 Cincinnati Reds. Like most of that 1919 Cincy team, he maintained to the end of his life that the Reds would still have won even if the 8 players on the Chicago White Sox who were accused of "throwing" the Series had played on the level.

Also on this day, Calvin H. Borel (I can find no record of what the H stands for) is born in St. Martinville, Louisiana. The jockey has won over 5,000 races, including the 2007 Kentucky Derby aboard Street Sense, the 2009 Kentucky Derby on 50-1 longshot Mine That Bird, the 2009 Preakness on Rachel Alexandra (the 1st filly to win that race in 85 years, and making him the 1st jockey to win both races in the same year but on different horses), and the 2010 Kentucky Derby on Super Saver.

November 7, 1968: Russell Paul Springer is born in Alexandria, Louisiana. A pitcher, Russ Springer began his career with the Yankees in 1992, and reached the postseason with the California Angels in 1995, the Houston Astros in 1997, the Atlanta Braves in 1998 and '99, the Arizona Diamondbacks in 2001 (beating the Yankees in the World Series), the Houston Astros in 2004 and '05, and the Cincinnati Reds in his final season of 2010. He was 36-45 for his career.


November 7, 1972: President Richard Nixon is re-elected in one of the biggest landslides ever. He wins 60.7 percent of the vote to the 37.5, a record low for Democratic nominees in 2-horse races, of Senator George McGovern of South Dakota. Nixon wins 49 States for 520 Electoral Votes, McGovern just 17, winning only Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.

If McGovern had taken every State in which he had at least 47 percent, he still would have lost 520-17. Counting every State where he won at least 45 percent would add only Rhode Island, Minnesota and South Dakota, making it 502-35.

McGovern ran a great campaign in the primaries, but was a disaster in the general election, making all kinds of mistakes. When Nixon's campaign announced a peace deal in Vietnam 3 weeks before the election, it removed the biggest argument in McGovern's favor. Watergate? The Washington Post was investigating it, but most people didn't yet realize how big that would become.

On August 9, 1974, just 21 months later, Nixon resigned due to his role in Watergate. Someone took a poll, asking how people would have voted in 1972, had they known then what they know now. McGovern got 56 percent in that poll. Begging the question, What were the other 44 percent waiting for?

And didn't they already suspect? How could McGovern have gone, as a 1992 episode of The Wonder Years that focused on this election (with McGovern contributing a voiceover while an actor played him, seen only from behind) put it, "from landslide to mudslide"?

Top 5 Reasons You Can’t Blame George McGovern for Losing 49 States in the 1972 Presidential Election

5. Old-Line Democrats. The activists and hippies showed terrible disdain for the union leaders and big-city bosses, such as AFL-CIO President George Meany and Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley. They should have showed that they were "the adults in the room."

Instead, Meany and Daley were every bit as immature as the "kids," and didn't support McGovern. As a result, neither did their respective supporters, the major labor unions and the other big-city bosses.

4. Thomas Eagleton. The Senator from Missouri should have told McGovern about his psychiatric treatment when he was first told he was being considered for the Vice Presidential nomination. He didn't. Once it got out, he had to go.

3. McGovern's Supporters -- the aforementioned "kids." As with the crazies on the right supporting Barry Goldwater in 1964, George H.W. Bush in 1992, John McCain in 2008 and Donald Trump in 2016, McGovern's activists made their man look further from the political center than he actually was.

They favored legalization of marijuana, abortion, and amnesty for draft evaders, but he didn't support any of those things. (The Supreme Court's
Roe v. Wade ruling came just 11 weeks later, and he was then pro-choice for the rest of his career). They, not he, were the people of, as the other side put it, "Acid, Abortion and Amnesty" -- or "Grass, Ass and Amnesty."

2. The Supposedly Liberal Media. There was plenty they could have said about Nixon, from his hideous career in Congress in the late 1940s and early 1950s to the way he conducted the Presidency from January 1969 onward.

They let him off the hook for the war still going, nearly 4 years after he ran saying he would end it. They let him off the hook for the Cambodian Incursion. They let him off the hook for the Kent State Massacre. They let him off the hook for the ITT-Vesco Scandal. And, so far, they had let him off the hook for Watergate. That didn't change until March 1973, early in his 2nd term.

1. Richard Nixon. To his credit, he ran a great campaign, one in which he could run as a unifying figure who understood both the country and the world, and be seen as someone who deserved a 2nd term on that basis. Indeed, he hardly had to mention his opponent. Which probably drove him nuts, because he loved to slam his opponents.

And yet, for all he put America through, Nixon "got away with it," because President Gerald Ford pardoned him. That angered so many people. But was it the right thing to do?

Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame Gerald Ford for Pardoning Richard Nixon

5. The Constitution. It gives the President the power, and the right, to pardon people for violating federal law. The President can do it for any reason. Or for no reason. And if he has a reason, he doesn't have to publicly reveal it. But Ford did have a reason, and it was a justifiable one:

4. Friendship. Ford and Nixon had served together in the House of Representatives in 1949 and 1950. Ford had been House Minority Leader from 1965 to 1973, when Nixon rewarded his loyalty by appointing him Vice President, and they remained allies until August 9, 1974. They had helped each other. Their families were friends. Ford didn't want to see his friend suffer any further.

3. The Nixon Family. Whatever Tricky Dick did, there was no reason to make Pat, Tricia, Julie, and the rest suffer through a criminal trial.

2. Our Long National Nightmare. Ford knew that extending the Watergate story would place an even greater strain on the country. He wanted it over. Which is totally understandable.

1. Confirmation of Guilt. Nixon could have refused the pardon, thus maintaining his stance that he was innocent of any legal wrongdoing, and taken his chance as a private citizen with the criminal justice system. Instead, he accepted it. By doing so, Nixon essentially pled guilty.

He never served a minute in prison. But, through November 7, 2019, he is the only President ever officially remembered as a criminal. Not a "crook," the word he used to defend himself on November 17, 1973. (His 1st Vice President, Spiro Agnew, was a crook.) As an actual criminal.

Also on November 7, 1972, Hasim Sharif Rahman is born in Baltimore. He won his 1st 29 professional fights, and was recognized by the WBC and the IBF as the Heavyweight Champion of the World from April 22, 2001, when he knocked Lennox Lewis out in South Africa, until November 17 of that year (meaning through 9/11), when Lewis avenged that defeat in Las Vegas.

He was recognized by the WBC again from August 13, 2005, when Vitali Klitschko retired and he defeated Monte Barrett at the United Center in Chicago in the last elimination bout, until August 12, 2006, when Oleg Maskaev beat him in Las Vegas. He fought until 2014, and his career record is 50-9-2.


November 7, 1973: Martín Palermo is born in La Plata, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. A striker, he won 6 league titles with Buenos Aires club Boca Juniors from 1998 to 2008, and the Copa Libertadores, the South American version of the UEFA Champions League, in 2000 and 2007. He also played for Argentina in the 2010 World Cup. He now manages Unión Española, in the Chilean capital of Santiago, and got them to 2nd place in their league last season.

November 7, 1974: Kristin James Benson is born in Superior, Wisconsin, and grows up in Milledgeville, Georgia. Despite a major league career that ran from 1999 to 2010, going 70-75, Kris Benson is best known for his ex-wife, supermodel Anna Benson, who got him into some hot water while he was with the Mets in 2004 and '05.

Also on this day, Christian Gómez is born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The midfielder helped D.C. United win the MLS Cup in 2004, and was named MLS Most Valuable Player in 2006.

November 7, 1975: The New Original Wonder Woman premieres on ABC, an hour-and-a-half "backdoor pilot" for a series that began a year later. After a failed pilot the year before, starring Cathy Lee Crosby as a blonde version of the "secret agent" Wonder Woman seen in the comic books from 1968 to 1973, Lynda Carter, winner of the Miss World America pageant in 1972, is cast in the traditional star-spangled outfit.

In the show's 1st season, 1976-77, the setting is World War II, which was fitting, as the character debuted in 1941 and fought Nazis on behalf of the Allies. But ABC canceled the show after the 1st season, due to the cost of the period costumes and cars. CBS picked it up for the 1977-78 TV season, and, to save money, moved it up to the present day, putting her to work as a secret agent alongside Steve Trevor Jr., like his father played by Lyle Waggoner. The show runs until 1979.

Also on this day, M*A*S*H airs the episode "Quo Vadis, Captain Chandler?" Alan Fudge plays a bomber pilot, so horrified at the damage he has caused in the Korean War that he imagines himself as the least harmful person he could think of, telling people, "I'm Jesus Christ." This infuriates some, and intrigues others.

The psychiatrist sent to talk to him, Major Sidney Freedman (Allan Arbus), is Jewish, and while the Jews revere Jesus as a teacher and a prophet, they don't consider him the Messiah. (They're still waiting for the First Coming, not the Second.)

Sidney asks him, "Is it true that God answers all prayers?" With a single tear rolling down his face, Chandler says, "Yes... but, sometimes, the answer is, 'No.'" This may have been the first sign that Chandler realized that his own prayer, to become someone harmless, has been answered with a "No."

Sidney's diagnosis: "He's not Christ. But he's not Chandler, either." Sidney thinks Chandler can be led back to his true personality, but doesn't think they should try to turn him back into a bomber pilot.

By the end of the episode, when he's shipped out to the evacuation hospital in Seoul, he still acts as though he thinks he's Jesus. Corporal Walter "Radar" O'Reilly (Gary Burghoff) asks him to bless his teddy bear. He does, and blesses Radar, too.

Alan Fudge would later play Ed Hobbs, Roy's father, in The Natural. He died in 2011. Arbus died 2 years later.

November 7, 1978: Gene Tunney dies of a circulatory ailment in Greenwich, Connecticut. He was 81. The boxer went 65-1-1 in his career, the only blemishes being a loss to Harry Greb and a draw with Tommy Loughran, both in 1922. Both of those men would become Light Heavyweight Champion of the World.

Tunney, who learned to box while in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War I, was nonetheless a very cultured man, who refused to call what he did "boxing." Instead, he called it "pugilism." He avenged his loss to Greb twice.

On September 23, 1926, he defeated Jack Dempsey at Sesquicentennial (later Municipal and John F. Kennedy) Stadium in Philadelphia to become Heavyweight Champion of the World. Tunney's "scientific fighting" style made him the ideal man to take on the free-swinging Dempsey. He would also have been good against someone like Sonny Liston, George Foreman or Mike Tyson. Not so much against Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano or Muhammad Ali, who were capable of adapting to the fighter at hand.

A year later, on September 22, 1927, he fought Dempsey again, at Solder Field in Chicago. It was the "Long Count" fight, where Dempsey knocked Tunney down -- the only time in his career that the strong-chinned Tunney was ever floored -- but forgot the new rule (for which he had advocated) that the still-standing fighter had to go to a neutral corner before the referee could start the count.

The film of the fight shows Tunney carefully watching the count made by referee Dave Barry, and getting up at 9 -- what should have been 14. Could he have gotten up at 4 (what should've been 9)? Certainly. Would he have been steady enough to avoid one of Dempsey's legendary knockouts? We'll never know. Tunney hung on, and won the fight. In spite of the controversy, the 2 men stayed friends for the next 51 years.

Tunney fought once more, taking on New Zealander Tom Heeney at Yankee Stadium on July 26, 1928. When Tex Rickard, the great fight promoter who had recently built what would later be known as "the old Madison Square Garden," told Tunney his take for the fight would be a record $970,000, Tunney wrote him a check for $30,000, just so that he could then legitimately receive a check for an even $1 million (about $14.6 million in today's money), and hang the canceled check on his wall.

Tunney then retired as champion, and, unlike most great boxers, stayed retired. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy in World War II, despite already being past draft age. He saw no combat, and instead became a boxing instructor. Among his acts in The War was to swear baseball pitcher Bob Feller into the Navy. Other than The War, he lived a quiet life in Connecticut with his wife and 4 kids. Gene's son, John Tunney, served California as a Democrat in both houses of Congress.

Also on this day, Rio Gavin Ferdinand is born in Denmark Hill, South London. The centreback was typical of soccer players at East London club West Ham United: Hard-working, but not as good as the hype would have you believe. He helped them win their most recent trophy, the 1999 Intertoto Cup.

Then he became typical of players at Manchester United: Going to them for the money, and being a dirty player. He famously missed a drug test, and got suspended for it. Ever since, he has been called a "cokehead" and an "addict," which probably isn't true. He was also grossly overrated, but his teammates' dirty play allowed him to win 6 Premier League titles, 3 League Cups and the 2008 UEFA Champions League -- but never the FA Cup, as United only won it once while he was with them, in 2004, while he was serving his drug suspension.

He played for England in the 1998, 2002 and 2006 World Cups, never getting closer than the Quarterfinals, typical of England's failed "Golden Generation." He's also had his driver's license suspended twice, once for drunk driving, once for repeated speeding offenses. He retired from playing in 2015, and is now a studio analyst. His brother Anton and his cousins Les and Kane all played professionally.

Also on this day, Johannes Vennegoor of Hesselink is born in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands. In this case, "of" doesn't mean "from," it's Dutch for "and." It's like if he were English, and his name were "John Gore-Hess." Instead, it's "Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink," and when he played with his name on the back, it was, in full, "VENNEGOOR OF HESSELINK."

The striker won the KNVB Beker (Dutch Cup) with Twente Enschede in 2001, and with PSV Eindhoven in 2005 and 2012. He won the Eredivisie (Dutch league) in 2003, 2005 and 2006. And he won the Scottish Premier League with Glasgow Celtic in 2007 (also the Scottish Cup, for a Double) and 2008. He played for the Netherlands in the 2006 World Cup and Euro 2008.

November 7, 1979, 40 years ago: Michael W. Commodore (I can find no record of what the W stands for) is born in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. The defenseman debuted with the New Jersey Devils in 2001, but was traded before they could win the 2003 Stanley Cup. He did, however, win the Cup with the 2006 Carolina Hurricanes. He last played professionally in Russia in 2014, and famously feuded with Mike Babcock, his coach with the Detroit Red Wings.


November 7, 1981: The Washington Capitals retire their 1st number, the 7 of Yvon Labre. They lose to the New York Rangers, 3-1 at the Capital Centre in Landover, Maryland.

Also on this day, supermodel and actress Lauren Hutton hosts Saturday Night Live. At this point in her career, before playing a vampire opposite a young Jim Carrey in Once Bitten, she was best known to my generation for her Pepsi Light commercials. Beat Generation writer William S. Burroughs appears, reciting poetry. And Rick James performs "Super Freak" -- known to people born after this date as MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This."

November 7, 1983: Able Archer 83 begins. It is the codename for wargames by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which had been an annual event a few years. The purpose was to simulate a period of conflict escalation between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, meaning the Soviet Union and their satellite nations in Eastern Europe. It was coordinated from NATO headquarters in Casteau, Belgium.

This came while President Ronald Reagan was placing Pershing II missiles in Western Europe; 8 months after he made a speech declaring the Soviet Union to be "an evil empire"; 67 days after the Soviets shot down Korean Air Lines Flight 007; 42 days after Soviet Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov figured out that the detection of 2 U.S. nuclear missiles heading for Russia were a false alarm, and refused to give the order to launch a retaliation, thus becoming known (years later, once the world found out) as "The Man Who Saved the World"; and would be followed, 13 days later, with ABC airing the TV-movie The Day After, which imagined a nuclear attack on the U.S.

Able Archer 83 includes some steps forward that previous exercises had not. These, on top of everything else that had happened in 1983, led the Soviet government to consider that this was a setup for an actual war. So they placed their military units on the highest possible alert.

Able Archer 83 ended on November 11 -- appropriately enough, the anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War I -- and so the Warsaw Pact forces, seeing that nothing further had happened, were ordered to stand down. This may have been the closest the world came to nuclear war, except for the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and Col. Petrov's moment.

Also on this day, Esmerling Vásquez is born in Tenares, Dominican Republic. He had a 5-12 record pitching for the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Minnesota Twins from 2009 to 2012. He pitched in Japan in 2015 and '16, and is now in the Texas Rangers' system.

November 7, 1984: Jonathan Rey Bornstein is born in the Los Angeles suburb of Torrance, California. The son of a Romanian Jewish father and a Mexican mother -- hence his middle name is Spanish for "King" -- he naturally became an American soccer player.

A centreback, he played for Chivas USA in Los Angeles, before winning the Liga MX in Mexico with Monterrey club Tigres UANL and the Copa MX with Querétaro in 2016. He helped the U.S. team win the 2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup, and also played in the 2010 World Cup. He now plays for the Chicago Fire.

November 7, 1986: East Brunswick High School defeats Cedar Ridge of Old Bridge, 28-0. I was a senior at EBHS in the 1986-87 schoolyear, and this was the one football game I missed that season. I was with my family in Central Florida. We went to Walt Disney World, Sea World, Cape Canaveral, and to visit relatives in the Tampa Bay area.

On this night, I called the sports department at The Central New Jersey Home News, as the New Brunswick paper was then known (prior to its 1995 merger with the Perth Amboy-based The News Tribune, making it The Home News Tribune), from my hotel room in Kissimmee. Sports editor Gene Haley, who I knew a bit (his son John now holds that post at the combined paper), and asked him for the result. He recognized my voice, and couldn't believe that I was calling for the result of a high school football game from 1,064 miles away.

Due to declining enrollment, Cedar Ridge would only play East Brunswick once more, the next year, another EB win. We had a 16-3 record against them. In 1994, with enrollment declining further, Cedar Ridge was merged with the other Old Bridge school, Madison Central, to form a combined Old Bridge High School.

Also on this day, Lawrence McFarlane "Baldy" Northcott dies in Winnipeg at age 78. A left wing, he helped the Montreal Maroons win the 1935 Stanley Cup. The 1937-38 season was bittersweet for him: He played on the combined Canadiens-Maroons team in the Howie Morenz Memorial Game, but that was also the last season for the Maroons, as they folded due to the long-term effects of the Great Depression. He finished his playing career with the Chicago Blackhawks.

He went into coaching, and in 1941, he led the Winnipeg Rangers to the Memorial Cup, the championship of Canadian junior hockey. He later ran a sporting goods store, and was elected to the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame.

November 7, 1988: The Ottawa Sun is founded. Like the other Sun papers in Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton (but not Vancouver), it is a tabloid, liberal with the language in its headlines, but conservative with its politics.

November 7, 1989, 30 years ago: David Dinkins, President of the Borough of Manhattan, is elected the 1st black Mayor of New York City. A Democrat, he wins a close election over the Republican nominee, former U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani.

Jim Florio, a Congressman representing the Philadelphia suburbs of South Jersey, is elected Governor. In a landslide, the Democrat defeats Jim Courter, also in the House, whose District included my hometown of East Brunswick. In 1981, Florio had lost to State Assembly Speaker Tom Kean by less than 1,800 votes, the closest election in the office's history. After 2 terms, Kean was term-limited, and couldn't run again.

And Doug Wilder, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, is elected the 1st black Governor of any State since Reconstruction. He defeats Marshall Coleman, a former Attorney General of the State.

None of these 3 victorious Democrats would serve a 2nd term. Governors of Virginia are limited to 1 term, although Wilder would return to public life, being elected Mayor of Richmond, the State capital. In 1993, both Dinkins and Florio would lose close and very nasty races for re-election, the former in a rematch with Giuliani, the latter to Somerset County Freeholder Christine Todd Whitman.

Also on this day, Sonny Douglas Gray is born in Nashville. Yes, he was born with the name "Sonny," and it's not a nickname. The pitcher debuted with the Oakland Athletics in 2013, made the American League All-Star Team in 2015, and was acquired by the Yankees in 2017.

He has reached the postseason 4 times: The 2013 ALDS and the 2014 AL Wild Card Game with the A's, and twice with the Yankees. Of course, it could be argued that the Yankees reached the 2017 ALCS in part because of him, and the 2018 ALDS in spite of him.

He was traded to the Cincinnati Reds, and made the 2019 All-Star Game. Apparently, he and the Yankees are both better off without each other. His career record is 70-60.


November 7, 1990: David de Gea Quintana is born in Madrid, Spain. The goalkeeper won the 2010 UEFA Europa League with Atlético Madrid, before being bought by Manchester United, with whom he has now won the 2013 Premier League, the 2016 FA Cup and the 2017 UEFA Europa League. Don't let anyone tell you he's "world-class," though: Hit it anywhere but right at him, and he can't stop it.

He wasn't yet ready to play for the Spain teams that won Euro 2008 and 2012 or the 2010 World Cup, but he did play for them at the 2012 Olympics, the 2014 World Cup, Euro 2016 and the 2018 World Cup -- none of which they won. Typical Man United player: In international play, without English referees to fix things for them, they win nothing.

November 7, 1991: Earvin "Magic" Johnson of the Los Angeles Lakers stuns the world: He announces that he has contracted HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, through sex -- even though he's heterosexual. 

Along with Ryan White, the teenage boy who fought the disease for himself and others, Magic changes the face of AIDS. No longer is it presumed to be a promiscuous gay man: It could be any of us, even a straight, world-famous multi-millionaire athlete.

The announcement also makes fellow Los Angeles Laker legend Wilt Chamberlain's book, Wilt: A View From Above, containing a claim about 20,000 women, one of the most ill-timed books ever.

The next day, Magic appears on The Arsenio Hall Show, to further explain, because he doesn't want anyone else to have to go through what he's going through.

A few weeks later, Magic appears in an Ancient Egypt-themed scene in Michael Jackson's video "Remember the Time." Eddie Murphy plays the Pharoah. And Eddie's pal Arsenio says, "I hope Magic lives a long time, so, someday, we can go up to him, and say, 'Hey, Magic: Remember the Time?'" It wasn't the only way we dealt with it through laughter: People joked that Magic was the only man who had HIV and gained weight.

It is 28 years later. A lot of progress has been made in preventing and treating HIV and AIDS. And Magic Johnson is alive, one of the richest men in the world, the owner of the Pennant-winning Los Angeles Dodgers, and the operational part-owner of the Lakers, meaning he can tell both LeBron James and Clayton Kershaw to call him "Boss." Magic is alive... and Michael Jackson is dead. Not from AIDS.

November 7, 1993: Ronaldo de Lima, just 17 years old, scores 5 goals for Cruzeiro against Bahia, at Estádio Governador Magalhães Pinto, a.k.a. Mineirãoin Belo Horizonte. Cruzeiro wins, 6-0. A legend is born.

Ronaldo went on to win the 1993 Copa do Brasil and the 1994 Campeonato Mineiro with Cruzeiro, the 1996 Dutch Cup (KNVB-Beker) with PSV Eindhoven, the 1997 King's Cup (Copa del Rey) and UEFA Cup Winners' Cup with Barcelona, the 1998 UEFA Cup (now the UEFA Europa League) with Internazionale Milano, the 2003 and 2007 Spanish league (La Liga) with Real Madrid, the 2009 Campeonato Paulista and Copa do Brazil with Corinthians of São Paulo, and, most importantly, the 1994 and 2002 World Cups with Brazil.

The man known as Fenômeno (The Phenomenon) played 1 season with Barcelona and 5 with their arch-rivals, Real Madrid. Yet he remains beloved by fans of both teams. He played 5 seasons with Inter and 1 with their arch-rivals, A.C. Milan. Yet he remains beloved by fans of both teams. And his performance reminds us all that Cristiano is not even the greatest Ronaldo to play for Real Madrid in the 21st Century.

November 7, 1999, 20 years ago: PBS premieres Ken Burns' documentary Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, about the 2 leading figures of the women's rights movement of the 19th Century, culminating in the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote, in 1920 -- 18 years after Stanton died, 14 years after Anthony did, and 72 years after the Seneca Falls Convention that began the movement, in which they were both leading participants.

Burns managed to find and interview 2 women, both age 100 at the time, who cast their 1st votes in that demarcating election of 1920.


November 7, 2000: November 7 is a bad day for Presidential winners: Zack Taylor won in 1848, and died in office; Sam Tilden won in 1876, but lost; Woodrow Wilson in 1916 thought he lost, then won, and then won a war but lost the peace; Franklin Roosevelt won in 1944, but died just 5 months later; Dick Nixon won in a landslide in 1972, but his resignation was already set in motion; and now, Al Gore.

Then Vice President of the United States, Albert Arnold Gore Jr. gets more votes than Governor George W. Bush of Texas. Bush's brother, Governor John E. "Jeb" Bush of Florida, sees how close the vote is in his State, and tampers with the voting process, and that one State holds everything up for 5 weeks. 

When the U.S. Supreme Court finally rules on December 12 that the recounts must stop, and Bush be accepted as the winner, it is the ghastliest decision in the Court's history, aside from the Dred Scott
decision that said black people weren't citizens (a decision remedied by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution).

Independent candidate Ralph Nader, the legendary consumer advocate who was appealing to leftists who felt betrayed by Bill Clinton and Gore over the last 8 years, won 97,488 votes in Florida. Bush's final lead in Florida was 537 votes. Nader won 22,198 votes in New Hampshire, which Bush won (as far as we know, without cheating) by 7,211 votes. If Gore had won either State, he would have won beyond any doubt, and it couldn't have been stolen. But Nader's voters wanted their "pure" candidate, and the result was the most under-Nader-like Administration ever.

The lesson of 1968, when people disappointed over not getting Gene McCarthy or saddened over not getting Bobby Kennedy stayed home and didn't vote for Hubert Humphrey, this throwing the election to Richard Nixon, had not been learned.

Nor was either lesson learned in 2016, when leftists refused to accept that a vote for Jill Stein, or a vote for Gary Johnson, a vote for anybody but Hillary Clinton, or no vote at all, was a vote for Donald Trump, and everything he represents -- which a liberal, leftist or progressive voter, should opposed with everything they had.

But was the 2000 result really Nader's fault?

Top 5 Reasons You Can't Blame Ralph Nader for Al Gore Losing the 2000 Presidential Election

5. Joe Lieberman. He was a terrible Vice Presidential nominee, maybe the worst ever in terms of effect on the top of the ticket. He got into the Senate in 1988 by running to the right of liberal Republican incumbent Lowell Weicker. He had no enthusiasm for either Gore or the Democratic campaign. And he let Dick Cheney walk all over him in their debate.

4. George W. Bush. There are many occasions on which he looked stupid. But he handled his campaign like a genius, even brushing aside the drunk-driving revelation as if it didn't matter, much like Donald Trump would do with his scandals 16 years later.

3. Al Gore. He ran a weak campaign. And he pushed Bill Clinton, the most popular living American politician, away, because he didn't want to be tarred with the "immorality" tag. It was a cowardly thing to do. One joint appearance in Miami, and, quite literally, it would have made all the difference in the world.

2. The Supreme Court. John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer were always going to vote to continue the recount, which was absolutely the moral thing to do, regardless of who it would have helped, and it almost certainly would have helped Gore. William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas were always going to vote to stop the recount, thus absolutely helping Bush.

So while the Democrats needed either Sandra Day O'Connor or Anthony Kennedy to break with the Republican Party, whose President Ronald Reagan appointed them, the Republicans needed both of them to stay loyal to their Party, if not to the Constitution. Both of them stayed loyal to their Party. So over 100 million Americans – Bush's voters, as well as Gore's – essentially had their votes canceled by 2 voters: O'Connor and Kennedy.

1. The Bush Machine. Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, Tom DeLay… They could have accepted the truth, which is that Gore won Florida, despite Bush and Harris having purged 55,000 people from the State's voter rolls, nearly all of them black men who'd been convicted of crimes, all of whom should still have legally had the right to vote. Instead, they needed to steal it, culminating in the Brooks Brothers Riot.

If not for that, there would now be a Gore Presidential Library in Carthage, Tennessee; Dubya would have gone back to Midland and had as much to drink as he wanted, and nobody outside his family would have cared; the World Trade Center would still stand; and if Iraq were in chaos after Saddam Hussein's overthrow by rebels, or after his natural death, it would be something that America would need to watch, but not something that America caused.


November 7, 2006: Johnny Sain dies in the Chicago suburb of Downers Grove, Illinois. He was 89. A 3-time All-Star pitcher who won 139 games, he won the Pennant with the Boston Braves in 1948, and the World Series with the Yankees in 1951, '52, and '53. 

He may have been the greatest pitching coach ever, winning Pennants with the Yankees in 1961, '62 and '63; the Minnesota Twins in 1965; and the Detroit Tigers in 1968.

Also on this day, Jackie Parker dies in Edmonton at age 74. A multiple threat, a passer, a runner, a defensive back and a placekicker, he starred at Mississippi State, and helped the Edmonton Eskimos win the Grey Cup, the championship of the Canadian Football League, in 1954, 1955 and 1956.

He was elected to the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, the College Football Hall of Fame, the Canadian Football Hall of Fame, and the Edmonton Eskimos Wall of Honour, where his Number 91 is retired.

November 7, 2011: Joe Frazier dies of liver cancer in his adopted hometown of Philadelphia. The 1964 Olympic Gold Medalist boxer, Heavyweight Champion of the World from 1968 to 1973, was 67. It appears that he and his arch-rival, Muhammad Ali, had patched things up by the time he died.

Also on this day, Castle airs the episode "Heartbreak Hotel." A murder in New York leads to a casino in Atlantic City, leading to Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Detectives Kevin Ryan (Seamus Dever) and Javier Esposito (Jon Huertas) disguising themselves as Elvis impersonators.

November 7, 2012: Darrell Royal dies in Austin, Texas, from complications from Alzheimer's disease. He was 88. A quarterback at the University of Oklahoma, he turned their arch-rivals, the University of Texas, into one of the great college football programs, using the wishbone formation to win 11 Southwest Conference titles from 1959 to 1975, and the National Championship in 1963, 1969 and 1970.

Also on this day, Carmen Basilio dies in Rochester, New York. He was 85. Welterweight Champion of the World in 1955-56 and again in 1956-57, and Middleweight Champion in 1957-58, the Marine Corps veteran famously stood up to the Mob men who controlled boxing in New York and Chicago in the 1950s.

November 7, 2015: Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump hosts Saturday Night Live. His daughter Ivanka Trump also appears. The musical guest is Australian singer Sia -- a woman, a foreigner, and bisexual, 3 things Trump hates. Larry David, best known for co-creating Seinfeld and basing the George Costanza character on himself, plays Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.

November 7, 2017: Roy Halladay is killed in a plane crash off the coast of St. Petersburg, Florida. He was 40 years old. An 8-time All-Star, he won the Cy Young Award in the American League with the 2003 Toronto Blue Jays, and in the National League with the 2010 Philadelphia Phillies. That made him only the 5th pitcher to win the Cy Young Award in both Leagues. There has since been a 6th.

In that 2010 season, he joined Don Larsen as the only pitchers to throw no-hitters in postseason play, and became the 5th pitcher to throw 2 no-hitters in the same season, andthe only one ever to throw one in the regular season and the postseason in the same season. If you had told someone then that 81-year-old Don Larsen would still be alive on November 8, 2017, and 33-year-old Roy Halladay wouldn't, no one would have believed you.

Injuries cut his career short: He finished 203-105, for a .659 winning percentage. His ERA was 3.38, his ERA+ 131, his WHIP 1.178. He had 2,117 strikeouts against only 592 walks. The Blue Jays retired his Number 32 and named him to their Level of Excellence, and the Phillies named him to the Philadelphia Baseball Wall of Fame. He was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame this year, in his 1st year of eligibility.

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